Mercury Retrograde Is Finally Over; Here’s Your Horoscope For the Week of October 18

Weekly Horoscope

Finally, after weeks of praying that Mercury Retrograde would end, it finally has today (10/18) as it goes direct in the sign of Libra.

With Mercury Retrograde finally over, we can breathe much easier now. But it’s still crucial for us to stay on our toes! You can’t risk letting your guard down right away. Don’t give in to seat sale temptations just yet, be wary of miscommunications that may still happen, and, as always, budget your finances well!

Check out your horoscope for this week below:

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

You are likely attempting to do so many things at once without realizing that this is actually holding you back from making any real progress. Focus on one task at a time. Don’t ignore your needs or you’ll just burn out quickly! Slow down and enjoy some relaxation time with the people around you.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Remember that not all opportunities will benefit you in the long run and you should choose only those that you’re certain will bring you much closer to your goals instead of those that will only bring you temporary joy. Be clear on what your long-term visions are. It’s always better to focus on one thing instead of multiple ventures!

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Recently, you’re experiencing a loss of confidence amid setbacks and challenges in life. Just take a deep breath and realize that these are merely minor bumps on the road for you to learn and grow from. Just take things slow and steady; you don’t have to rush through life! You know what you want, so stay committed and patient in making that progress.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Right now, you are feeling quite unmotivated and uninspired, making it difficult for you to see which direction you should go from here. Take a moment to reflect on what truly sets you on fire and what it is you really care about. You may not discover it right away but give yourself time and you’ll eventually find it! You know what you’re capable of. Be open to leaving your comfort zone and take the risk for your growth!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You are currently overwhelmed with thoughts and responsibilities that adding more to the pile will lead to danger. Don’t take more than you can carry and just focus your time and energy on the things that are worth investing your resources on. Don’t try to have control over everything either; when things don’t go your way, just let them go instead of forcing yourself to fix them.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Recently, you have felt betrayed by someone you trusted and you’re trying to pin the blame on others for this hurt and failure. But you can only act like the victim and wallow in your self-pity for so long; learn to pick yourself up and move forward! Remember that these pains are just transitions to new beginnings and you can’t grow without change in your life. Take it slow and keep your eyes fixed forward.

(In case you missed it: Here’s Your Horoscope For the Week of October 11)

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Lately, you’re feeling like people are out to get you and it’s making you unwilling to commit to anything and anybody. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you know you can trust to help you get through this difficult time! Acknowledge that maybe these fears are merely preventing you from moving forward. Make peace with them so you can be who you truly are.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Current conflict is messing up your life at the moment, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety. Pull yourself out of this situation by reflecting inwardly. Find out what your heart wants to tell you, what is lacking in your life, and what you need to prioritize on at this moment. Remember that you don’t need other people’s validation to keep you going; all you need is yourself.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You may be experiencing bumps along the road towards your goals and you need to stay committed, patient, and determined to push through ’til these challenges. Don’t give up! Hardship will soon come to an end. Just remind yourself of how far you’ve come and be grateful for what you have.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You may feel powerless against current situations at hand and you’re seeking to pin the blame on something and someone for these failures. However, you must take responsibility for what happens to you in your life. Be aware of the unhealthy habits or negative mindset you may have and break free from them! Be honest with yourself, change what you need to, and learn from these mistakes.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Right now, you may feel inclined to join groups that will make you feel seen or heard and will give you a sense of identity. Use this opportunity to learn more, to grow, and to open more doors for you to have a more fulfilling life. Remember to be proud of who you are and welcome change!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You need to let go of your habit of prioritizing other people’s needs before your own just to feel like you belong or to feel “fulfilled.” Stop obsessing over climbing up the social ladder because this will only promise temporary joy. Focus on what really matters to you. And learn to love yourself, especially when you don’t seem to get it from anywhere else.

(In case you missed it: Here’s Your Horoscope For the Week of October 11)

What are you looking forward to this week? Tell us in the comments!

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