’90s kids, we have great news for you: The Craftย is getting a reboot!
The Craftย follows a group of teenage girls who discover witchcraft. As they begin to use their powers for their own gain, they realize that everything they do will come back to them threefold.
There’s no word about the cast or the release date, but we do know thatย Zoe Lister-Jones is writing and directing the reboot. The original film’s director,ย Andrew Fleming, is on board as producer.
The original film starredย Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Rachel True, Neve Campbell, Christine Taylor, and Skeet Ulrich. It has since become a cult classic, with Rotten Tomatoesย saying that its “campy magic often overrides the feminist message at its story’s core, but its appealing cast and postmodern perspective still cast a sporadic spell.”
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