Makoto Shinkai, the director behind the smash hit Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name), has just had his sixth anime feature released in Japan. His newest film, Weathering With You, actually surpassed Your Name‘s first-day box office records in Japan last July 19. This has only added to the excitement of fans waiting to see if this newest project lives up to the fame of its predecessor.
(Soundtrack of Makoto Shinkai’s ‘Weathering With You’ is Now Up Online!)
Filipino fans will finally be getting their answer to this burning question on August 28! Though more than a month late, Weathering With You will be coming to Philippine theatres and that’s better than nothing. However, no official list of cinemas screenings have been announced yet.
The news was announced on Anime Movies Philippines, the official Facebook page of Pioneer Films.
(Japanese Animation Heads Believe That The Anime Industry Is In Crisis)
Weathering With You centers around a teenage boy named Hodaka who moves to Tokyo and takes the position of magazine writer. Amazingly, he meets a girl named Hina who is able to control the weather. You can watch the full trailer below:
Do you think ‘Weathering With You’ will compare to ‘Your Name’?