Drew Arellano and Iya Villania keeps on showing us that they are the legit #RelationshipGoals.
Posted recently on YouTube is their maternity video where the couple talked about how they learned that they were expecting, how they found out the baby’s gender, and how they are preparing for the coming of the baby.
The couple just celebrated 12 years of being together, and soon, baby Primo will be joining this crazy bunch.
The video is an exclusive maternity shoot done with Baby and Breakfast.
Baby and Breakfast is a parenting, motherhood, and family website in the Philippines. You can learn more about on their website at www.babyandbreakfast.ph.
If you want to see all of Drew and Iya’s photos for this fun and wacky shoot, visit www.babyandbreakfast.ph/2016/08/25/drew-and-iya-editorial/.
Drew and Iya got married in February 2014 after 10 years of being in a relationship.
In 2015, Iya revealed that she saved herself for marriage.
These two are just too adorbs, right?