
Veloso’s Recruiter Allegedly Asks Random Passengers to Carry Her Luggage

A few days ago, Mary Jane Veloso’s recruiter, Maria Kristina Sergio, surrendered to the police due to the threats to her life that she has been receiving. Still, Sergio claims her innocence and is firm in saying that she did not give Veloso the luggage with drugs and that she was just helping Veloso find a job abroad.

However, a couple of posts on Facebook says otherwise.

The posts appear to point towards the recruiter where one said that Sergio is the reason why a woman who traveled from Thailand is in prison in Hong Kong for carrying heroin. Another post claimed that Sergio approached them during check-in in Thailand airport, asking if they can include her luggage in their check-in. They initially agreed but turned it down when they were warned about the dangers of including someone else’s luggage in the check-in baggage.

Below are the posts circulating on Facebook:


When traveling overseas (or even anywhere else), it won’t hurt to always err on the side of caution. Keep in mind these tips on how to stay safe when going abroad.

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