
UPLB Math Students Hold the 33rd Mathematical Sciences Week

The biggest mathematical sciences event at the University of the Philippines Los Baรฑos kicked off last October 16, 2021, bringing mathematical concepts behind basic game design and implementation center stage.

The UPLB Mathematical Sciences Society, the premier mathematical sciences organization in UPLB, is celebrating the 33rd Mathematical Sciences Week, in line with the organizationโ€™s objective of promoting deeper appreciation and wider application of the mathematical sciences.


โ€œAs mathematicians, the goal for us is clear: to entrench a data-driven cultureโ€”an orientation based on truth and knowledge that emphasizes our common baseline of knowledge,โ€ said Vice President Leni Robredo in her video message to the participants.

This is a week-long celebration that will cater to high school and college students and math educators and academics offering discussion on the mathematical concepts behind the creation and implementation of one of our favorite pastimesโ€”video games.

One of the main highlights of this yearโ€™s week-long celebration is the 33rd iteration of the prestigious Invitational Mathematical Challenge (MATHEMATCH), which went national, for the first time, this year. The preliminary round was held last October 16 and the final roundโ€”determining the winner of the prestigious competitionโ€”will be held on October 23, which will be streamed live via their official Facebook page.

The other events slated for this year includes: unMASSk: A Webinar on Basic Game Design and Implementation (held last October 17), Puzzle of the Day and Puzzle of the Week, Infographics Making Competition, and Art Competition.

Note: The UPLB Mathematical Sciences Society is a recognized academic organization of UPLB established in 1973.