Uber and Wheelmobile Partner to Offer Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles at the Touch of a Button
Transport application Uber has been in the news a lot recently, with the different opinions of some government agencies about the basis on which the app operates making headlines all across the Metro. This legal thunderstorm seems to have calmed down a little for the moment, allowing other initiatives by the company to grab the limelight instead. One particular partnership is taking place this week, when riders can book a wheelchair accessible car via the Uber app, courtesy of non-profit organization Wheelmobile.
Uber is best known for making comfortable sedans and big SUVs appear at the press of a button in order to ferry riders all across town, but this week an additional fleet of vehicles will also be available through the popular app: wheelchair accessible vans. These custom built vehicles are provided by Wheelmobile, a non-profit organization that offers non-emergency travels for wheelchair users and has been active since 2003. The organization aims to raise awareness of the mobility, dignity and equality for people with disabilities (PWD) and by providing transportation options, the group works to enhance the independence and full integration of PWDs into their communities.ย
From November 3 to 7, betweenย the hours of 6am to 10pm, Uber Manila is letting people request for wheelchair accessible vehicles from Wheelmobile by simply choosing the corresponding icon in the app. The drivers are trained to assist passengers with disabilities to ensure a comfortable and safe ride, while each air conditioned vehicle provides enough space for two wheelchair users.
Wheelmobile charges P450 for the first hour (or a fraction thereof) and P7.50 per minute after that.
Uber is on record as saying that safe transportation options for everyone and inclusive mobility is what they should strive for, and by using its considerable size and reach to give organizations like Wheelmobile a platform and valuable publicity, the company is making good on those words, and is showing that social responsibility is more than just a fancy term for them. Ever since the popular app appeared in the Philippines, it has been part of a wave of improvements to public transport options, and has set the bar high for what can be expected from transportation services around Metro Manila. Partnering with Wheelmobile demonstrates inclusive thinking and will hopefully result in additional publicity and donations for this laudable non-profit organization.
Wheelmobile / Circle of Friends Foundation on Facebook
Uber and Wheelmobile Partner to Offer Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles at the Touch of a Button