Torch: The 1st ORSP – UST Chapter Stem Convention

The Operations Research Society of the Philippines — University of Santo Tomas Chapter is an organization which focuses on the field of Operations Research. Operations Research (OR) is a discipline that deals with the application of advanced analytical methods to help improve the quality of decisions about managing scarce and valuable resources. Such means include not only financial resources but also issues related to the quality of human life, medical treatment, the environment, and many other important concerns. ORSP-UST Chapter is also an academic organization that is built to promote academic excellence towards the growth of the Engineering students of UST.


In line with this, the Operations Research Society of the Philippines — UST Chapter would like to invite you as a media partner for its STEM Convention with the theme: Science and Technology on the Advent of Industry 4.0 to be held at ZOOM on April 17, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 

STEM Convention is a type of convention that aims to offer a platform of learning to Senior High School students through webinars and career fairs, that will give emphasis on the application of Operations Research in their future professional career. This will relate the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) strand to what Operations research has to offer in their future career. The Operations Research Society of the Philippines – UST Chapter envisions a bridged platform for both the participants and the Engineering students in the University for them to give importance to the field they are taking. The learnings and skills that this event can bring them could help their future endeavors as future potential professionals in the field of Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering. In addition, improved STEM education prior to college would allow students to enroll in these courses and potentially pursue careers in related fields.