Top 16 #YesAllWomen Tweets: Harassment and Discrimination That Women Experience

Women’s rights have come a long way in today’s day and time. Although there has been a huge improvement in women’s fight for equality, there are still issues and problems that still remain unsolved. Even in the 21st century, people are still being discriminated against because of gender and gender stereotypes. We’ve reviewed the #YesAllWomen hashtag and compiled the best tweets that perfectly encapsulate just some of these very real scenarios.

16. #YesAllWomen17

15. #YesAllWomen15


13. #YesAllWomen6

12. #YesAllWomen13

11. #YesAllWomen5

10. #YesAllWomen12

9. #YesAllWomen2

8. #YesAllWomen11

7. #YesAllWomen1




4. #YesAllWomen3


2. #YesAllWomen4

1. #YesAllWomen16

What do you think about these tweets?