
Too Good to be True? Mall Giveaway Might NOT be TRUE After All

Spreading like wildfire on social media is a mall giveaway that is so generous it is going to give “Sony Android TV Ultra 4K 55-inch HD to 100 lucky winners”.



An unverified SM North EDSA Facebook page posted yesterday a generous giveaway where all you need to do is Like, Comment, and Shareย as your entry.

As of now, the said post has 129K+ reactions, 178K+ comments, and 234K+ shares.

Something feels out of place though…

Not only does the prize sounds incredible, am pretty sure those “requirements” violate certain rules on Facebook.

So, we did a little research.

We tried finding out when the Page was created. A quickย way that shows the possibility when a Page was created was to check its first Profile photo. This certain page though only has one Profile photo and it was uploaded in August 2, 2016. Unless old photos were deleted, this is roughly when it was made.


Also, the page only uploaded around 22 photos on three albums – Profile, Cover, and Timeline.


The page feels pretty new for “The largest shopping mall in the Philippines and the third in the world,” according to its About Page.

Anyhoo, SMย City North EDSA (the one with the check beside its name to show that it is a verified business) posted their official statement on their page.

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Share with us tips in avoiding things like this on social media.