Things You Need To Undo and Do To Have A Happier 2018

Every year, I reflect on things and events that mattered to me such as the bad decisions I made, the unappreciated efforts, and so on. Those lessons help me determine how I will approach my life the following year. And if I really wanted a happier 2018, I should undo my bad habits.

Here are the 7 things you need to undo to have a happier 2018.

Undo: Stop saying “Yes” even if you really can’t.

Do: Learn how to say “No”

Traffic is the ubiquitous symbol of Manila.

metro manila traffic

So, proximity is now a privilege. If there’s one thing I am proud of this year is that I have mastered the art of saying “no” to some things that will affect me and my family. Case in point: meetings everywhere.

If you think you’re going to waste time traveling, offer an alternative. Technology is here for a reason: to make our lives a lot easier. Let’s use it. We can Skype, Viber, Webinars, or GoToMeeting if you want it formal. If the meeting is deemed necessary, schedule it accordingly. For example, when I had back-to-back meetings and events in Makati, we opted for an Airbnb- this is to ensure our time isn’t wasted in traffic. Make sure as well you have money to spend.

Undo: Beating around the bush

Do: Get straight to the point

It was George Bernard Shaw who said that the single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. Hasn’t been true for you? You know what, I used to email with flowery words and long introductions because I thought it’ll make them feel special. No. Because regardless if they like you or not, they will respond. So, if you want your thoughts to be heard, be concise.

Undo: Being “busy”

Do: Make time

It was John Lennon who said, “Life happens when you’re busy making other plans.


Sometimes, I find it stressful to scroll up and down reading different opinions. Social media is the place where you will meet a lot of critics than encouragers. If you want a happy new year and a wonderful life, give yourself a break from the gadgets, social media, and be present with your family and friends. If you’re an introvert like me, reading my favorite book is my sweet escape. Reconnect with your old (online) friends


Undo: Dining out

Do: Cook once in a while (Read: 7 Bread Recipes In 7 Minutes or Less)

One cannot think well if one hasn’t dined well – one of my favorite quotes. If you can, try cooking at home. Plan one meal that everyone is at home. Any food will do! Hotdogs, eggs, ham, spam, it could be anything!

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What’s important is you were able to eat with the family at the convenience of your home and were able to save money!

Undo: Laziness

Do: Exercise Together – Postpone ‘Til Death Do You Part”

A very popular saying but hardly practiced. #WeAreGuilty. But, when I say exercise, it doesn’t mean you need to enroll in a gym and eventually take a toll on you guys. No, nothing like that.

Do you know what’s funny though? The longevity of our lives depends on how stressful we are in life. So, make love, exercise more, and think of happy thoughts all the time!



Undo: Impulsive buying

Do: Save, save, save!

It’s bullshit to say we don’t need money. Of course, we do! Our lives revolve around it. Love can’t pay bills, so if you can save. Beware of little expenses because it could lead to a huge problem.

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Save and spend money wisely.

Undo: Set aside health concerns

Do: Value your health

Have you heard about the Longevity Village in Bapan, China? A Cardiologist discovered the place and had studied how the centenarians live their lives.

longevity village

Surprisingly, the things that make them live for 100 years and beyond are literally free. They laugh more than they worry; they are active by having a routine activity like walking and cleaning the front and backyard; they actively participate in the society by helping, and more. We only value our health once sickness comes. And even though we’re already sick, we still don’t listen until it’s already over.

If you can shop online to buy stuff you don’t need, you can also set aside money to spend it with the best healthcare provider for you and your family.

At 35, I’ve learned and dealt with people with different personalities. I have yet to discover more in the coming years.

Do you have any advice to share? Let’s talk in the comments!