THE PIN-UPS’ Single & Video Launch: From The Perspective of Those Who Were There
“In all senses of the word, The Pin-Ups sounded like a band reborn. Their performance that evening felt very inspired and was quite tight, as though the most recent additions to the band have been part of it for years.” – Jason Caballa, Pedicab guitarist
“The video was super awesome. And I really liked how it was conceptualized. Subtle yet brilliant!” – Angel Tuason, Missionary
“It was a packed house! It was a good night! First time seeing and hearing The Pin-Ups perform. They have a lot of energy on stage, and their chemistry is infectious, you can’t help but move to their beat.” “The song is a fun tune, and the chorus is one those that you get excited about! Full of energy and fun!” – Paolo Jaminola. Director of the music video
“The launch of the Pin-Ups and their single + video was well attended and a success for the band due to the support that the audience gave during their performance.
The main thing I like about the band is their original compositions speak about being positive and they exude a positive vibe to their audience, so you leave the performance feeling good!
The video that was launched that night was done well and I should say this band deserves a shot at the mainstream Pinoy music scene… Indie no more!” – Ardy S. Abello, top motivational speaker, trainer, & coach
They’re early Foo Fighters retooled for the second decade of the 21st century. It will be interesting to see where they take their sound. – Andrew Paredes, freelance writer & harassed TV executive
“I liked the stories behind the songs. “Songs about life” they said. The behind the scenes stories made the songs more human and authentic for me. I felt like it was my experience too (and probably we’ve all had that same thing …being lost, holding on to hope). Listening to them helped me connect with that again – love, hope, celebration, honoring what is deeply human & divine in us.” -Jake De Guzman, Executive Producer of “Green Living” & “Gameplan”
“The songs of the re-born Pin-Ups have hooks that if you catch on your first listen can have you singing even if you’re unsure with the lyrics. Hiyasmin Neri (in the video) also genuinely looks like she can’t really stand waiting “there”. The Pin-Ups comes very close to having a music video that’s shot purely via a quadcopter/drone.” – Paul Amerigo Pajo, SonicLOGO.TV indie gig Producer
“It was awesome!! “Both the video and performance were equally exciting and you can really feel God’s presence throughout the show. I can’t wait for the next Pin-Ups experience.” – Luigi Villacorta, La Salle student
“What I like about the Pin-Ups’ launch is being able to play with our friends in an intimate setting. Thumbs up for a well-attended event!” – Guada Tagalog, bassist for Midnight Meeting
“If you already follow The Pin-Ups, or simply a fan of music, you shouldn’t miss their latest single “Can’t Stand Waiting Here”. Quality music deserves to be heard! Congrats to The Pin-Ups for putting together a night of great music and good vibes.” – Aikee Enciso, Associate Consultant at Businessworks Inc.
“Whether we’re talking about The Pin-Up Girls or The Pin-Ups, one thing that has always struck me about Mondo and company is the attitude – that they could care less about musical trends or the unsolicited opinions of pundits/critics; that theirs is an outfit that wants to play infectious indie pop/rock at a simplistic level, but a level that nonetheless reeks of a sincere goal to improve the sound and the ethic – albeit slowly but surely. I may not entirely understand the sound or the music, but I do know sincerity when I hear it… And I will continue to root for The Pin-Ups as they’ve impressed me with their honesty” – Joey Dizon, Content Director at Pinoytuner and guitarist for At Times Provoked
Now known as The Pin-Ups, Mondo Castro and company are back with a new single, “Can’t Stand Waiting Here” featuring the familiar girl-boy vocal pop melody and distorted guitars I love – and it sure brought back some memories: Sometime in the early 2000s, I had to cross Taft Ave., take the LRT to EDSA and back to Vito Cruz (Yes, in that order. Long story) to catch their gig. Then known as The Pin-Up Girls, they were playing only a short set since the concert was overbooked with bands and the college admin wanted it to end by midnight – much to the dismay of the student concert organizers. The second time I saw them live, my band was playing the same gig and Mondo was playing a Les Paul guitar– a rare sight. I’m happy The Pin-Ups are around doing what they do now, so much so that I drove through EDSA on my scooter to see the latest incarnation of the band perform live at their single/video launch – Can’t stand waiting here indeed! – Paolo Francisco, ex-guitarist for Bagetsafonik
THE PIN-UPS’ digital single and music video launch for “Can’t Stand Waiting Here” last December 29th was presented by PINOYTUNER with U.S. Christian indie label HOLYZONE RECORDS, and PULP MAGAZINE with media sponsors WHEN IN MANILA. COM, MANILA COCONUTS, LYRIC, YAHOO! PH, WORSHIP GENERATION,
BOONE on BUSINESS RADIO 104.3, AERO 360 SOLUTIONS, MYX, RADIO REPUBLIC and JAM 88.3! With performances by PIGBOX MONUMENT, MIDNIGHT MEETINGS and a special stand- up comedy performance by MIKE UNSON!
written by Rey Angelo
photos by Chase A. Castro
Follow THE PIN-UPS on:
Instagram: thepinupsbandph