
The Philippine Summit on European Studies 2018 is heading your way

UP EURO Philippine Summit on European Studies 2018 Event Poster resized

With news publications such as TIME, The New Republic, and CNBC printing the headlines โ€œThe Rise of Populism in Europe,โ€ โ€œWhy Populism is Sweeping Europe,โ€ and โ€œPopulism Remains A Top Concern in Europe,โ€ together with the similar headlines dominating the Philippine political sphere, populism seems to be a growing force in the global political domain. This year, UP EUROโ€™s summit aims to take a look at the global implications of the rising trend of populism both in the Philippine context and in the international stage.

Catch our esteemed speakers Department Chair Cleve Kevin Robert V. Arguelles of the Political Science Program of the University of the Philippines-Manila, Dr. Richard Foronda Heydarian (Author of “Rise of Duterte: A Populist Revolt against Elite Democracy”), and Philippine Daily Inquirer Associate Editor and Columnist John Nery on March 17, 1-4 PM, at the National Engineering Center AVR of the University of the Philippines-Diliman.