Workout hack: 4 ways to stay hydrated on long runs

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The easiest way to keep yourself hydrated when doing a long run is to wear a hydration pack or carry a water bottle. However, doing both means carrying a significant load of water with you and this can weigh you down when running. Therefore, you can feel tired quicker just by lugging a bottle of water around. So, what can you do to stay hydrated without having to bring a water bottle? Here are a few helpful hacks.

Plan your run

If you don’t want to bring a water bottle, you should plan your run well. You should look for places that have water fountains or that have stores that sell water along the way.

Drink in restaurants or gas stations

This might come off as strange but it works. There are fast food restaurants and gas stations where you might be able to ask for a glass of water while running. They even have toilets just in case you need one. Think of paying them back someday when you want to eat out or gas up your car.

Keep your liquids along the way

You can strategically place your water bottles along your running route. This way, you can grab them when you get thirsty along the way. Just make sure that you dispose of them after and don’t just leave them there.

Bring a friend

Have a workout buddy and you can be each other’s drinking water provider. Maybe your friend prefers to ride a bike than run so you can just stash your liquids with them.

How about you? How do you stay hydrated during long runs?