Punchdrunk Panda: Makers of High Quality Funky Functional Camera Straps and More!



Lima Park Hotel When in manila Mae Ilagan Frank Ruaya 1 of 303

Punchdrunk Panda 




When in Manila and looking for a new camera strap for your precious DSLR, we highly recommend the funky cam straps made by Punchdrunk Panda!


Weeks ago, Frank and I decided it was time to replace our old Canon and Nikon straps and of course, Punchdrunk Panda was on top of our list  for the simple reason that we felt their cam straps matched our personalities well! All Punchdrunk Panda products are creatively designed by local young artists so personally, we really wanted to also show support to them! =)



Allow us to show you our new Punchdrunk Panda straps….


Lima Park Hotel When in manila Mae Ilagan Frank Ruaya 2 of 303

“Streets of Manila” and “Handle with Care”



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my “pakner” Frank with his “Handle with Care” cam strap




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meet my cam Maggie with her new strap!




Punchdrunk Panda also has  these funky laptop sleeves which you really should check out! Their products are very stylish, functional and of  high quality! I’m super satisfied with the laptop sleeve! Say goodbye to those boring laptop bags/sleeves! I’m pretty sure you’ll find the perfect Punchdrunk Panda design for you!




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meet our cams Jun-Jun & Maggie all geared-up and ready for battle!  yeah our cameras have names! lols




We’ve been getting quite a number of praises  since we changed our straps. They look  highly attractive no wonder people never fail to notice them!  


We are now very proud owners of  these Filipino made Punchdrunk Panda straps! We’ve been taking it to our trips around the country actually! Hopefully by doing so, it will attract more people to also show support for local artists as well!




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 during our recent trip to Sagada




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F is for “FRAGILE”




You’ll surely see more photos of us with our Punchdrunk Panda camera straps on our future trips! I can’t wait to order my next strap! You see, a few days ago, I visited their website again and found out they just launched a new set of cool and funky designs!  OMG OMG! They also got a lot of new products such as super colorful shoes and other merch which  I’m sure you’ll love!



For me, Punchdrunk Panda  is more than just being funky,  looking cool or using something very functional… but more of proof that high-quality Filipino-made products DO EXIST and that Filipino companies CAN produce world-class quality products! Truly a MUST to have these Filipino-made products when in Manila!





Check out their website today!! 






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To read more of our WHEN IN MANILA adventures, click HERE






Punchdrunk Panda: Makers of High Quality Funky Functional Camera Straps and More!