WATCH: “Hamster Wars” is a Star Wars Video Starring Hamsters and OMG It’s Adorable

Love Star Wars? Stop what you’re doing and watch this!

This video by Mashable re-created Star Wars scenes and replaced the characters with hamsters. I’ve just watched Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, so needless to say, my addiction to Star Wars has just been recently reignited. So, yes, I will watch anything Star Wars related! Is it the same case with you??

Plus, this video is starring hamsters. HAMSTERS. One of the cutest little critters on earth. So, how could you go wrong with sparing two minutes for this genius masterpiece? NO, YOU CAN’T.

Star Wars is awesome and hamsters are cute. So watch:

Can you remember the scenes re-created in this video? Which part was your favorite? Share your thoughts in the comments!