READ: 5 Tips To Help You Achieve That Instagram-Worthy Flat Lay

Taking pictures has already become a daily habit of almost everyone. It may be a selfie, a quick snap of where you currently are, or a flat lay of the delicious food you just ordered.

And so, speaking of flat lay, here are five tips that will help you achieve those Instagram-worthy photos:

5. Lighting

Always shoot in a well-lit area, may it be under an artificial lighting or near a window where plenty of natural light can get in.

4. Background

When you are lacking the wooden artisan table, or the old rustic brick pathway, the best way to go is to make use of cartolina papers as your background. They are not only cheap and neat, you can also select from the wide variety of colors they come in.

3. Leaves & Plants

A plain background and the subject sometimes just won’t do. Spice your frame up with the use of some cut-up plant branches or leaves. Feeling guilty about trimming up your green friend? You may use your mom’s potted plants instead.

2. Props

There are times when we want our snap to have a theme.

You can add props such as books or magazines to help you get the message better to the audience. Plus, they add color and life on the photos!

1. Balance

There is always a thin line between everything, and that is striking the balance between having too many or too few elements in the shot. Sometimes the subject and a good background is enough, but there are also instances where you have to go the extra mile and add specific props to capture that 100+ likes worth of photo.

Now that you’re prepped up with these tips, I guess it’s time to take a flat lay! Don’t forget to follow and tag us, @wheninmanila, on Instagram!

Do you have anything to add to this list? Tell us in the comments.