Financial Leadership: Breakthrough to Excellence

For Academic Year 2020-2021, Finance Leaders’ Conference (FLCon) is an event of the Junior Confederation of Finance Associations – Philippines (JCFAP) for the month of November which aims to mold finance students in being financial leaders through webinar discussions in a virtual platform.

JCFAP FLCON Official Poster

This year’s theme for FLCon is “Financial Leadership: Breakthrough to Excellence” which will be held on November 7 and 8, 2020 (Saturday and Sunday) from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM via Facebook Livestream in a private group. The participation fee is P100.00  for non-members of JCFAP and free for those who are members, both inclusive of e-certificate.


The topics to be imparted will be encompassing about the importance and roles of financial leadership in a technological setup and its correlated opportunities open in the finance industry. It will further discuss also about the difference between leading in person and in online setting, how leadership affects good financing and how is it essential to be a youth leader.