Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Take the UFO Directing Actors Workshop

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Take the UFO Directing Actors Workshop


UFO Directing Actors Workshop

It’s fun…
(Photo credits: Doms Lim)


There are countless of workshops to go to When In Manila. From photography to writing, one can overlook the value of acting classes for everyday life. However, as my brief conversation deepened with Director Emmanuel Dela Cruz of UFO Workshops, it proved to me that acting classes not only help you with one’s acting skills, but it actually gives some useful techniques that can help with everyday life, as well.

UFO Directing Actors Workshop

Now, before I begin, keep in mind that the UFO Directing Actors Workshop is my very first acting workshop and we all know that every training has its own different approach. The workshop is mostly focused on the Weston method of acting and since I have no idea what everyone seemed to know during that time, I just safely assumed that there were more than two methods of acting: Weston, Method, and the others. 

UFO Directing Actors Workshop

Despite my classic stupidity, I was surprisingly engrossed in our conversation that I was able to learn about the background of UFO Workshops. Before its pseudo-immaculate conception, it was actually a gallery with the name clearly based on their production team, UFO Pictures. Aiming to become a platform for all types of creative individuals, it was able to bridge the gap between directors, actors and writers since 2009.

UFO Directing Actors Workshop

Direk Emman…


UFO Directing Actors Workshop

… strip tease.

So for our batch, Direk Emman did something different (or maybe it was my comprehension that was different). Either way, it made me see acting in a different light. It made me realise that if we all took acting classes, life would be much less complicated. Here are the Top 10 reasons why.


Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Take the UFO Directing Actors Workshop


1. You become more sociable or less socially awkward.

UFO Directing Actors Workshop

Awkward Lap Dance.


UFO Directing Actors Workshop

Happy Lap Dance.

Sometimes, it can be a struggle for writers to be faced with a room full of strangers. They might have no clue how to fully express their thoughts without sounding insane, for example, or they might not know what to do or where to start. That’s me, anyway. So, you can probably imagine how goofy I looked on the first day of classes.

I honestly had no idea how to befriend people; and though I wasn’t able to fully comprehend the process that went on that fateful day, it’s safe to say that we all left the premises with smiles plastered on our faces and joyful farewells. Looking forward to our next meeting and thankful to have met such incredible individuals!


2. You learn how to introduce yourself and actually realize your accomplishments.

UFO Directing Actors Workshop

They see me rollin… They hatin’…

Let’s be honest: most of the time, we don’t let people in. We only tell them what they need to hear. There might even be times that we downgrade ourselves or fail to show who we are for fear of being judged.  So, when the time comes that we need to introduce ourselves, we say as little as possible because we have this fear of getting judged for all the wrong reasons. Well, guess what? By doing that, we’re actually judging ourselves and the people around us. We’re not even giving them a chance to get to know us.

UFO Directing Actors Workshop

I see you…

From what I have observed on our first day, it pays to lay everything out on the table, no matter how vulnerable you might feel afterwards. Anyone can help you from that moment on, though, so seize the opportunity! I actually regret not being able to say my piece in its entirety. It was not because I didn’t want to. It was because I got used to just saying one fact about myself that I didn’t even realize what I was doing until it was done. Like they always say: bad habits are hard to break, so start breaking them now.