WATCH: Brooklyn Nine-Nine just released an ‘all-action’ trailer

If you’re still reeling from all the hints and teasers for Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s season 6 then get ready for more. A newly released trailer marks the move of the show to NBC. While this season may have an all-new network, this trailer assures us that we still get the same good ol’ Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

As the title promises, the video delivers in full action mode. A high action, high drama scene shows us the squad on top of a building about to explode. Just when the situation seems dire, Jake Peralta comes to the rescue (noice). We even get a dramatized and slowed down version of the iconic theme song as his heroics play out.

Then Jake leaps off the building and it cuts back to the regular precinct. Predictably, it turns out to be just another Jake Peralta fantasy. But what’s funny is the tongue-in-cheek humor as an announced ends the video by saying “Brooklyn Nine-Nine makes the leap to NBC this January 10th.”


I suggest checking out the Facebook version too since there are alternate endings!


Let us know what you’re most excited about for the next season!