8 Texts Sent in New Relationships vs. Long-Term Relationships

Love is a many splendored thing indeed, chock-full of surprises– the chasing game, the butterflies in your stomach, and the feeling of euphoria and excitement when you’ve finally defined the relationship (yes!), with a passion and kilig-filled honeymoon period. Thanks to text messaging, it’s improved our way of communication in our relationships!

New Relationships vs. Long Term Relationships

But it’s definitely more fun examining just how much you’ve changed from the lovestruck puppies you used to be in the early stages of dating, to how much you’ve matured and gone comfortable with each other while you’ve been in it for the long haul. I should know… I’ve been with the same guy for 6 years now, since I was in high school!

Here are 8 texts sent by newly-dating couples versus those in long-term relationships.

8 Texts Sent in New Relationships vs. Long-Term Relationships

8. When the bae says he’s going out with his friends for the night…


bball dating vs long term

You couldn’t help but feel a tinge of tampo whenever date night was cancelled, because he chose you over basketball! The horror!


bball dating vs long term 2

You secretly cheer on the inside! You have the house to yourself, and you can finally catch up on that Sex and the City marathon without being judged. Hooray!


7. When the bae sends you good morning text messages…


Good morning texts dating vs long term

Ngayon: A simple “Good morning!” text will suffice… or sometimes none at all when it’s a busy day. And it’s no big deal.


6. When planning a date night with the bae:


date night dating vs long term

Date nights were the best part of the early stages of dating! Full of surprise, mystery, and romance.

Ngayon: date night dating vs long term 2

You realize you’re pretty easy to please, after all.


5. When the bae orders takeout…


takeout dating vs long term

No shame in asking what you want– communication is healthy, after all!


takeout dating vs long term 2

Do you even need to ask what we want?

4 Texts Sent in New Relationships vs. Long-Term Relationships on the next page