
Tagpuan: Where Art and Healing Come Together (An Art Exhibition for Therapeutic Art for the Benefit of ECPAT Philippines)

1 Tagpuan Publicity Material

Honor, excellence, and above all, service learning – these are the principles that guide the students of the University of the Philippines Diliman BS Interior design program.

Every year, the graduating batch of the program under their ID 179 class undertake their culminating project: the renovation of a site for a chosen beneficiary.

The Class of 2019 seeks to align the beneficiary with their chosen advocacy of raising awareness for mental health, of its prevalent forms, causes, and solutions within society.

For this project, the class chose ECPAT, (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography, and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes).

The Philippine branch is currently based in Anonas and houses 10 girls. The renovation aims to create spaces conducive for healing so that the girls may not only make sense of their situation but thrive in it so that they might one day lead fruitful and joyful lives, with a sense of peace and self-worth.

To raise funds for this months-long renovation and ensure that every space created is done so with the best resources and most careful execution, the class holds several income generating projects over the course of the semester, and the final event for this project is Tagpuan: Where Art and Healing Come Together.

Tagpuan is a charity exhibit which aims to bring together local contemporary artists under the banner of our advocacy. Art itself is a prevalent medium for healing, and the exhibit hopes to showcase the diverse ways in which art heals not only the artists, but its viewers as well.

Aside from the exhibit itself, the batch will also hold a pre-selling period, wherein art collectors and enthusiasts alike can get the first pick of the pieces before the event itself. Buyers and potential buyers are encouraged to attend the opening night to view the pieces as well as to familiarize themselves with the project, the beneficiary, and the advocacy.

More than a chance to showcase the special project, the exhibit gives guests and buyers a chance to be a part of this advocacy, to make a difference in the lives of these young girls and give them a new life, through healing and design.

Tagpuan: Where Art and Healing Come Together will be held from December 1 to 3, with an opening night on December 1 at 6 PM. It will be held at Bulwagan ng Dangal, Apacible Street, Roxas Ave, University of the Philippines Diliman.

Walk-ins are welcome. Tickets for all guests are priced at 500 PHP each.

Dress code: Cocktail attire/Semi-formal

 Inquiries on artists, pieces for sale, and the beneficiary may be addressed to:

Gmail: upbsid2019@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UPBSID2019/