
Surviving Retirement Workshop: Leave Job, Live Life

Surviving Retirement Workshop: Leave Job, Live Lifeย 

Extended Registration


Retirement means leaving the realms of employment and venturing into a life free from bosses. It means no more regular work and especially no more regular pay. Retirement can both be an opportunity and the beginning of difficulties in life if not properly planned for.

In reality, planning should be part of every-Juanโ€™s household. We Filipinos tend to focus living in the now. However, we should also learn how to manage and prepare ourselves once we get to that finish line we all call โ€˜retirementโ€™.


Human Resource Innovations and Solutions Inc. (HURIS Inc.) is a Human Resource (HR) consulting and solutions provider enabling business transformation through advanced HR methodologies and related services. HURIS Inc. has been providing services in enhancing organizational effectiveness and facilitating Learning and Development Programs for both the Private and the Public Sector since 2005. As part of our advocacy of providing the best of breed in HR solutions, we will be conducting a public learning session entitled โ€œSurviving Retirementโ€.ย 

This Learning Session is designed to provide prospective retirees with the necessary mind set, skills and planning framework to successfully transition from paid employment to a lifetime career. Experience sharing of insights and best practices between the course leader, who is himself a successful retiree (twice!), and the participants. The focus of this program is directed towards formulating decisions in managing and achieving certain goals in life.ย 


At the end of this workshop, the participants would have a blue print for their journey in retirement to help them overcome the difficulties and changes arising therefrom. The participants will be able to have a roadmap on:

  1. How to formulate a retirement vision and a program to achieve wealth.
  2. How not to run out of money before you run out of your life.
  3. How to cope with the uncertainties of detaching from regular employment and managing the changes arising there from.
  4. How to manage the important relationships in one’s life after retirement to be able to set new directions for the future.
  5. Practical ways of letting God into your life to achieve your mission while you prepare for the next.
  6. Determine post retirement activities and prepare a new career plan.
  7. How to cope with sickness, pain and disability.


Register and have the privilege to attend this unique retirement learning session. Be prepared and take control of what is best for your retirement NOW! For more information, visit our website at www.huris.com.ph or contact Krista/ Kristine at (02) 746-2961/ (02) 661-59-54/ (0917) 512-4520/ huris.specialprojects@gmail.com





Surviving Retirement Workshop: Leave Job, Live Lifeย