Styling to the Next Level : Workshop by Lifestyle by Feliz






Camille Co focuses her talk on personal styling. She gives us tips on how to discover our personal style, what to consider when styling and how to style according to color theories. 


Developing one’s personal style is a continuous process. “Your style will always evolve with you.” -Camille Co If we’re observant, we can get bits and pieces from different people and get inspired from them. She also tells us to go out of our comfort zone. Never say “never” because you’ll never know if a certain trend fits you if you don’t try and see for yourself. 




Camille Co sharing her ideas on personal styling.




When styling yourself you should consider your: 


  1. Body shape and Complexion – Everything in fashion is proportional and balanced, if you keep those things in mind you achieve beauty. Hide what you have to hide and flaunt what you have to flaunt.
  2. Don’t be obsessed with rules – We may think that fashion is always about following the trends,no. It is about breaking them, making a trend unique and work for you in the most unusual way possible.  If the “fashion bible” says that a trend doesn’t work for you, find your way around it.
  3. Have these essentials in your closet: Blazers (Makes you automatically look “maporma” , buy them in Black, Khaki, Brown, Red), 1 pair of  Black pumps, (When buying shoes, consider quality, the arch of the heel and how sexy it looks when worn.) Little White Dress or Little Black Dress (LBD/LWD Never fails! You can use them in events when you’re running out of outfit ideas.), Crisp White button down shirt and good fitting jeans.
  4. Adhere to Color Theory – Don’t go all out. Tone down something withe neutral colors, find similar colors to find the right accessories (pile at different lengths or kinds) and discover what works well for you and for your outfit.






 For the workshop we gathered clothes and styled 2 colorful outfits, these were the outfits I came up with! 





Camille Co also shares about her tips on shopping: For clothes check the price, fabric, stitches, lining and hemlines. For accessories, check the weight. If it’s more than a thousand bucks it should at least be a bit heavy. When buying buying bags, especially Leather bags, check the smell. 









Lastly, she gives us tips on de-cluttering our closet: For clothes, it’s better and more effective if they’re arranged by color  (since that’s how you’ll style them). For shoes, use acrylic shoe boxes and label them. For accessories, put them in pouches so that you can also protect them or line them up “ala bazaar”. Plus, document! Take photos of your things so you can keep track of them.