
Study Finds Filipinos Are UK’s Most Common Business Owners

The UK has been home to countless different cultures and peoples throughout its history, and this fact remains true today. For instance, in the 2011 Census 40.2% of residents in London reported their ethnic group as either Asian, Black, Mixed or Other. But how far does this great diversity extend to the UK’s businesses?

united kingdom

ETX Capital have answered this question with their latest study. They gathered the Companies House data of over 200,000 businesses to find out the reported nationalities, countries of residence and localities of their business owners, and much more. This in turn gave them the means to create various definitive rankings based on the data.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • The most common reported nationality of UK business owners (excluding UK nationalities) turned out to be Filipino (2.65% of business owners), followed by Chinese in 2nd (2.17%) and Romanian in 3rd (2.01%).
  • 71.4% of UK business owners report their nationality as either British, English, Scottish or Welsh, meaning 28.6% of UK business owners are of other nationalities.
  • 10.8% of UK business owners report their country of residence as outside the UK. The most common country is the Philippines (2.59%), followed again by China in 2nd (1.39%) and Morocco in 3rd (0.60%). Of the top 20, most nationalities are either European or Asian.
  • The most common birth month of UK business owners is January while the least common is February. Meanwhile, the most common birth year for business owners is 1988.

etx capital nationalities table

You can find the full study here: https://www.etxcapital.com/en-gb/who-really-owns-uk-businesses

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