
SCAM ALERT follow-up: New Tattoo IDs to Identify Real WhenInManila.com Bloggers

The WhenInManila.com community of writers, photographers and story-tellers has grown to over 200 different people!

In an effort to better identify our members and to also help businesses properly grant access to the right people, we have come up with the WhenInManila.

com Identification Tattoo.

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So, to ensure that the bloggers at your events are TRULY WhenInManila.com writers, we have now enforced the WhenInManila.com โ€œTattoo ng Totooโ€ (Tatoo of Truth) ID scheme.

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From now on, ALL WhenInManila.com writers will have a Tattoo placed somewhere on their body, that will properly identify them as a true (totoong) WhenInManila.com representative.

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We at WhenInManila.com have taken some extreme measures to ensure all our 200 members are accounted for and properly recognized.

This is of course a measure taken in response to PR agencies reporting non-WhenInManila.com members showing up and using our site to get into their events – https://www.wheninmanila.com/scam-warning-wheninmanila-com-imposters-and-fake-representatives/



PR Agencies and Event Organizers may now ask the WIM writer or photographer to show their true colors and present their WIM Tattoos. Please do note that we have some members who have chosen to place their tattoos in more private places (where the sun doesnโ€™t shine) and in this case, you may need to usher them to a private screening area where they may show their โ€œTattoo ng Totoo” official WhenInManila.com ID.

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Oh, and Happy April Fools Day! =)

Photos created by Francis Simisim and Rikki Jann Vallido

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SCAM ALERT follow-up: New Tattoo IDs to Identify Real WhenInManila.com Bloggers