
PWR: Terminus – Pinoy Pro Wrestling Event Ends 2014 With a Bang!

PWR: Terminus – Pinoy Pro Wrestling Event Ends 2014 With a Bang!

 PWR-Terminus-Bryan LeoClassical Bryan Leo

12.13.14 is a day that will be forever etched on Philippine professional wrestling history. PWR: Terminus, the last Philippine Wrestling Revolution (PWR) event for 2014, was one of those events you should have watched if you were a fan of pro wrestling. Here’s wheinmanila.com’s recap of PWR’s year-end event!


PWR TerminusThe NEW PWR General Manager = Mr. Stan Sy


A New Sheriff in Town

PWR: Terminus started things off by introducing the NEW PWR General Manager: Mr. Stan Sy! This new authority figure welcomed everyone in the event and had one important message to the PWR roster: “I am watching”.


PWR-Terminus-Panzer-Warren-1Panzer vs Warren…part 2!

PWR-Terminus-Panzer-Warren-2Panzer connects with the Panzerschreck


Chris Panzer vs Ken Warren II

The rematch everyone was waiting for started things off for PWR: Terminus. Chris Panzer squared off against the “Social Media Sinister” Ken Warren. The match was a step up from their first match and it featured a handful of amazing maneuvers from both men. Chris Panzer delivered some amazing offense that included a perfect top rope elbow drop and a spinebuster that would’ve made Arn Anderson proud. Ken Warren, on the other hand, also displayed his in ring skills with a flurry of offensive moves (and language) that kept Panzer at bay for most of the match. One of the my favorite quote that night came from this match and it was “Welcome to Manila, b***!” by Ken Warren. Warren almost had the match in the end after delivering a perfect Wi-Fi combo, but Panzer kicked out before the count of three. After narrowly avoiding the next 2 Wi-Fi combos from Ken Warren, Panzer got the win with a Panzerschreck…wait for it…“out of nowhere”! The match was over and Chris Panzer tied the series to 1-1.


PWR-Terminus-KT-Main-Maxx-1 Kanto Terror talks to his new found tag team partner, Mark

PWR-Terminus-KT-Main-Maxx-2Maxx punishes Mark with a hard chop


Handicap Match: Kanto Terror and Mark D. Manalo vs Main Maxx

The man hailing from “sa kanto ng Tinio street” looked for his partner amongst the crowd and got a man wearing a “Lito Atienza” get up in the end. Mark D Manalo was his name, and he was in for the fight of his life. The match overall was fun as we got to see some interesting offense from the new comer (a STONE COLD STUNNER!~ BAH GAWD~!) and Kanto Terror having one of the BEST entrances during PWR: Terminus.  Sadly, the fun and games ended when Main Maxx hit his finisher on Mark for the pin. Regardless of the loss, Kanto Terror was all pro as he helped his new buddy out of the ring.


PWR-Terminus-promo1Scarlett, with Bryan Leo in the background

PWR-Terminus-promo2Bombay Suarez has heard ENOUGH


Bryan Leo on Philippine Christmas, Angry Moms and…Teddy Long?

Classical Bryan Leo and Scarlett made their way to the ring and denounced the PWR faithful and Christmas. Bombay Suarez took offense to Leo’s words and challenged him to fight at that moment instead of waiting for the main event.  The two men indeed collide but the match was ‘stopped’ after Leo ‘broke his neck’. Bryan Leo, ever the opportunist, pounced on an unguarded Bombay. While the action was happening, some eyes were diverted to the verbal sparring between Scarlett and a woman who was said to be Chris Panzer’s mom. General Manager Sy stepped in and, with his best rendition of Teddy Long, told both men that the main event will be…a TAG TEAM MATCH! Holla-Holla!


PWR-Terminus-promo3Bryan Leo “Breaks His Neck”


Want to read MORE about this awesome event? Go to the next page..NOW~!