
PWR Live – Adding More Gold to the Philippine Pro Wrestling Scene

PWR Live went..well..LIVE at the Makati Cinema Square Arena to a sold out crowd. The Philippine Wresting Revolution added more ‘bling’ to the PWR roster with the PHX Championship. At PWR Live, we would witness 4 qualifying matches for the newly minted title belt. PWR Live also featured its first ‘pre-show’ segment for a PWR event.


Pre-Show Shenanigans


Vintendo lifts his opponent up in the air for something devastating

On the very first pre-show, the fans were treated to a match between two PWR bootcampers Jimmy Orellana and Vintendo. The thin but quick-witted Jimmy O tried to take over the bigger and stronger Vintendo, but he was no match for the latter. Eventually Vintendo came up strong and delivered a powerful chokeslam for the pinfall victory.

The beloved team of Beer Promdi (Kanto Terror and Mark D. Manalo) ended the pre-show with a drinking contest against two audience members. The Patron Saint of Kanto Tinio St., Mandaluyong City lost due to ‘practicing way too much’ before the drinking contest. The two audience members left the ring with a victory and some goodies from the PWR sponsors.

PWR-Live-BombayBombay drives John Sebastian face first to the mat

pwr-live-royal-flushA royal selfie with the Royal Flush

Bombay Suarez vs John Sebastian

PWR Live’s opening bout featured the “Heart and Soul of PWR”, Bombay Suarez, squaring off against the Royal Flush’s “Jack of All Trades”, John Sebastian. Suarez started things strong with a powerful spinebuster on Sebastian for a two count. Sebastian had some offense going on in the next few minutes, working on Bombay at a corner. However, Bombay got in control again after countering a spinebuster attempt of John Sebastian with a DDT. John Sebastian took over once more and channeled his inner ‘John Cena’, taking Bombay down with a couple of shoulder tackles and a five knuckle shuffle. John Sebastian took Bombay down with an ‘Attitude Adjustment’ (still imitating John Cena) for a near fall. Bombay Suarez tried to get the match under his control with a surprise sit-down facebuster (or ‘X-Factor’ for those who watched in the attitude era) for a 2 count. Bombay was about to take Sebastian away for good but Bryan Leo distracted the referee. While the official was distracted, John Sebastian took over by throwing a white substance that blinded Bombay Suarez. John Sebastian pinned Bombay for the victory after delivering a devastating knee to the face of his blinded opponent.

PWR-Live-Sebastian-FinishJohn Sebastian delivers a hard knee to the face of his opponent

After the match, John Sebastian got the microphone and berated the fans, repeating to them that he told them so…one too many times. John Sebastian gave the Royal Flush its first win of the night and the trio will ride this wave of momentum going into the main event. I would like to note that during this match, Bryan Leo was wearing a red kilt, reminiscent that of the late “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. I liked his simple tribute to the recently departed pro wrestler.


PWR-Live-Rosales-SuplexRosales takes Mayhem to “Suplex City”

PWR-Live-Mayhem-DiveMayhem dives to the outside

PHX Tournament Match: Mayhem Brannigan vs Miguel Rosales

One half of Fighetrs 4 Hire took on the leader of the Brannigan Brigade in this qualifying match and it was one of the most physical matches of the night. Mayhem displayed his agility in the early going, taking Rosales down with a couple of well placed hurracanranas. Mayhem got a 2 count on Rosales with a powerbomb. Miguel Rosales fought back with a powerslam and a springboard splash for a 2 count. Rosales showcased his grappling prowess with an armbar on the masked man. Eventually Mayhem reversed the painful hold on the former bodyguard of Mr. Sy. Rosales gave the fans what they wanted (due to the “Suplex City” chants that reverberated in the PWR Arena) and delivered an impressive belly to back suplex. Miguel Rosales followed this up with an Eddie Guerrero tribute, hitting a three amigos suplex combo. Mayhem sent Rosales outside the ring and tried to follow him with a dive off the ropes, but was caught and dropped on the hard floor by his opponent. Rosales went to the top rope to deliver a splash on Mayhem, but the masked man narrowly avoided the splash and sent his opponent crashing on a handful of PWR staff members. Mayhem used this opportunity to take a couple of ‘selfies’ with a wiped out PWR crew and Miguel Rosales. Mayhem would wipe out Rosales and the crew with a successful dive off the ring. Both men go back to the ring and Rosales tried to deliver an F5 to Mayhem, which gets reversed with a crucifix pin. A few moments later, due to unknown reasons, the referee stopped the match and gave the contest to Mayhem Brannigan. With a slightly controversial ending, the masked vigilante of the PWR advances to the second round of the PHX tournament. Both men would shake hands after the match, showing their respect for the other competitor.

PWR-Live-SANDATA-LeglockSANDATA keeps Chris Panzer grounded with this leg lock

PWR-Live-Panzer-SplashChris Panzer soars for a frog splash!

PHX Tournament Match: Chris Panzer vs SANDATA

The leader of the Panzer Army took on the masked high flyer of Dual Shock in this qualifying match. SANDATA tried to gain an advantage early on with an attack on Panzer before the beginning of the match. Both men displayed some fast paced offense early in the match. Panzer go the better of his masked opponent with a beautiful dropkick for a 2 count. SANDATA started to neutralize Panzer in the match, working on one of his leg. SANDATA’s strategy, it seemed, was to prevent Panzer from connecting with his patented finisher later on in the match. Chris Panzer would try to fight back with some stinging kicks from his good leg. However, SANDATA still got the upperhand of the exchange with his focus on Panzer’s injured leg. SANDATA attempted to attack Pazer near the ropes but misses and falls to the outside. Both men would exchange some hard kicks and knees to one another outside before they would return to the ring. Panzer has a comeback and delivers a wonderful frogsplash for the near pinfall. Chris Panzer attempts a Panzerschreck but he misses and SANDATA takes him down with a hurracanrana. Panzer would surprise his opponent moments later and finally connects with his patented Panzerschreck kick to the face for the pinfall victory.

Check out the next page for MORE results