
15 Last-Minute Valentine’s Day Cards That’ll Work On Anyone

Need some inspiration to win the love of your life? Completely lost when it comes to words? Or maybe you just forgot to prepare for Valentine’s Day and are scrambling for gifts?

(Exciting Gifts to Give Your Partner to Spice Up Your Love Life)

Whatever your reason for being here is, we don’t judge — we’re only here to help. So check out these 15 Valentines to find the one that’s perfect for you:

Something for the dog-obsessed:

keipopnation valentines card

Credit: keipopnation.com

A little Disney goes a long way:

howtogettheladies valentines card

Credit: howtogettheladies.tumblr.com

sassyfatty valentines card

Credit: sassyfatty.tumblr.com

If magic is more to their taste:

benkling valentines card hp

Credit: benkling.tumblr.com

Something for the musically inclined:

benkling valentines card

Credit: benkling.tumblr.com

Nothing says ‘romance’ like mutant powers:

keely flaherty valentines card

Credit: Keely Flaherty/Buzzfeedkeely flaherty valentines card 2

Credit: Keely Flaherty/Buzzfeed

Mean Girls is always a classic:

Loryn Brantz valentines card

Credit: Loryn Brantz

Who can say ‘no’ to a cute bunny rabbit?:

tehcute valentines card

Credit: tehcute.com

Alternatively — Who can say no to a cute totoy Zac Efron?:

valentines card hsm

Or maybe if EDM is more their speed:

valentines card marshmello

valentines card zedd

Something for the film snobs:

valentines card wes anderson

Credit: JenniferLewis wes anderson valentines card

Credit: JenniferLewis

And my personal favorite:

valentines card juul

Share your own with us in the comments!

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