
Polytechnic University of the Philippines’s 58th Annual Marketing Week


            This July 25-30 the Polytechnic University of the Philippines’s Junior Marketing Executives celebrated its 58th annual marketing week. This year’s marketing week was entitled “SUPERHUMANS: The League of Extraordinary Brands” with the theme POWERS which they used as an acronym for each day of the marketing week.

On the first day (Phase of the Marvel), they had two initial events; BANG: Building Alliance thru Noble Guards which is the parade symbolizing the start of marketing week that ended in a pageant for the muse and escorts and even LGBT representatives of each section. They dressed as different heroes and villains; that evening, the singers and dancers battled it out in POP: Pump-Out the Pulses.

Day 2 of marketing week was Outlast of the Mighty Wiz, where the marketing students were tested about their salesmanship how-to with the events POW: Pitch On-a-Whim (a sales pitching competition) and BOSS: Battle of the Superb Salesman.

The third day, Wave of the Rhythm, the marketers participated in WHOP: War or the Horde of Outstanding Prospects (a battle of the applicants competition) and watched short films which were qualified in ZOOM: Zeal of Observant Optics of Marketers (a short film making competition.)

            Day 4, Educe of the Ace, the last day of BAM: Battle of Athletic Maniac (Basketball League) and SMASH: SMart Attack of Spiker Heroes (Volleyball League) took place at the Teresa court.
The participants of MEGA: Marketers Engaged in Glorious Assault (Markstrife Senior 360 Degree Branding Competition) also presented to the officials of Mega Tuna their solution for the situation they were given.

            Rambling of the Rangers (day 5), was solely dedicated to DASH: Dynamic Adventure of Super Heroes an amazing race style competition. The challenges in each station tested their resourcefulness and selling skills since each group had limited supplies and had to either use the supplies given to them or sell them to have money to commute to the different stations.

            On the last day of marketing week, themed Supremacy of the Victors, the winners of each competition were awarded their trophies/medals in the event, BOOM: Blast of Outstanding Marketers. Not everyone was allowed to attend the event due to the limited space but the exhilaration of every student that witnessed the previous events were felt beyond the venue.

           Everyone showed excitement throughout the whole week of different games, competitions, and events. We are pleased to say that this year’s marketing week was one of the most successful.

FLASH-FORWARD: Accelerating the Way Towards Breakthrough Excellence