
Manila Zoo Cafeteria Catches Fire, Animals Safe

Manila Zoo is one the places families love to go to when in Manila. Most parents tour their children there, introduce and learn different kinds of animals, plants, and other nature-related topics. This is why last night, most Manila residents were shocked to know that a portion of Manila Zoo was on fire.

Carlos Celdran- Manila Zoo fire

Photo from Carlos Celdran’s Facebook

According to news reports, the fire happened at the zoo’s canteen at around 9:47 PM. As mentioned, the reason behind the fire was electrical issues. The fire reached second alarm and was declared all clear at around 10:12 PM.

Fortunately, no one was hurt and animals were safe.

The Manila Zoo, also known as, Manila Zoologicalย Garden, was opened last July 25, 1959. It has an area of 5.5 hectares, which is home to about a thousand animals and 90 different species.

This educational place has emerged. They have improved their facilities and added a Kinder Zoo in 2012.

How about you, when was the last time you visited Manila Zoo?