Since all classes are now online for a whole school year, even school events like graduations and moving-up ceremonies have also transitioned into the virtual world. These virtual graduations are not the most ideal setup especially since these students have just spent many years in school, and the last thing they want is just a simple live stream for their commencement exercises.
The teachers and administration of Lawigan Elementary School in Antique understood this, so they decided to bring the graduation ceremony to the houses of their students.
Rosalina Serguino, one of the teachers of Lawigan Elementary School, was the one who thought of doing the mobile graduation for the students.
She shares with that she thought of the concept because she wanted their students to experience marching up the stage to hold their diplomas with their own hands—even if it was just on a cart.
The mobile graduation featured a makeshift stage propped up on a cart pulled by a carabao. The stage was even decorated with a beautiful backdrop, complete with balloons.
(RELATED: Let’s Talk About Post-Graduation Blues And Why We Need To Stop Ignoring It)
They prepared for the mobile graduation in just three days. On July 16, they rolled out the “stage” through the muddy trails just to get to the homes of their graduating students.
Serguino and her co-teachers went to the houses of 13 graduating students with their mobile graduation ceremony.
They were met with happy students with their parents who were ecstatic to celebrate the special occasion. While the students wore masks for the small event, the excitement was still obvious in their eyes.
People on Facebook saw the photos of the mobile graduation and were quick to share them all over social media. Many commended the creative thinking and the efforts of Serguino and the school to bring a simple graduating experience to their students.
This mobile graduation initiative shows just how much our Filipino teachers can give so much hard work and effort just for their students.
We salute you, teachers!
What do you think of this initiative? Share your thoughts with us!
Featured image from: Charmie S. Serguino
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