LOOK: These beautiful, personalized notebooks are all painted by HAND!

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Wow. Just look at them.

Inspire yourself with these beautiful notebooks!

All of us are inspired by different quotes and sayings. Sometimes, we make them our phone or desktop backgrounds to constantly ground ourselves and remind us of what we want. Whether it’s to motivate us or to gently remind us, these sayings stay in our hearts.

Why not keep them close with your own personalized notebook? Twitter user seanzoned4life takes blank, unlined notebooks and transforms them into these inspiring ones! You can have any saying you want on the notebook face, just give Sean a color scheme and what you want it to say and he’ll get to it!

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Every notebook is finished with his beautiful calligraphy and the feel that it really does belong to you. While there are so many generic notebooks out there, this one will really be all yours. They’re unlined too, perfect for your 2019 bullet journal! Just need to buy some washi tape and stickers and you’ll be set to conquer the new year!

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They also make great Christmas gifts with personal touches, to really show your loved ones that you’re thinking of them and what they love. Let yourself be inspired by these beauties!

To order a notebook, contact @seanzoned4life on Twitter via DM!

Will you be buying one of these? Let us know!