We love it when the Philippines is promoted well abroad. Just recently, a video surfaced of how our beautiful country is being promoted in London and, to be honest, it made us want to go to the Philippines even though we already live here. Haha.
(RELATED: WATCH: This is How the Philippines is Promoted in London)
Well, it seems that New York City is somehow following suit. Carlo L Cruz* recently postedย this photo that he took of the iconic Philippine jeepney beepingย its way to the City that Never Sleeps:
According to various sources, Apl.de.Ap from the Black Eyed Peas paraded this jeepney in New York in commemoration ofย our upcoming Independence Day.ย Pretty darned cool, huh? In fact,ย our jeepneyย actually looks like it feels right at home there, don’t you think? ๐
(*Please take note thatย the credit for the photo has been changed to its original owner. Please do not steal other people’s intellectual property and please always ask permission before posting photos that are not yours on other websites.)
I’m a New Yorker, living in Manila, and like the picture. But please, no tricycles!