LIFE HACKS: 10 Job Hunting Tips For Millennials

6. Research about the company you’re applying for.

Know what the position and the company is all about. It’s important for interviewers to see and feel that you’re genuinely interested in THE job rather than just finding A job. It’s great that you know what you are getting into so you know what is expected from you if you get hired. Plus, it shows that you actually prepared for the application process. -Joshie Tan

(RELATED: True Stories: Job Seekers Share Their Hilarious Recruitment Moments)

5. Be confident and don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Be confidently smart, competent & beautiful with a heart in all interviews! Our body language & responses speak a lot more than what our resume states. -Geoselle Dela Cruz


Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Working in HR, I noticed that applicants tend to get too intimidated and fail to ask important questions pertaining to the position that they are applying for. When in doubt, don’t be afraid to ask. We don’t bite. -Joshie Tan

4. Bring your own pens!

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BRING YOUR OWN PENS. (Seriously!) A lot of applicants today always ask, “Do you have a pen I can borrow?” -Jeanne Dizon


Bring a pen!!!!! I went to the office bringing just myself and a comb! -Liam Jasarino

3. Don’t feel entitled to anything.

Some applicants want a supervisory position immediately, not wanting to start from the bottom. That’s why they’re still waiting for a call until now. Some also don’t understand the words, “Thank you, we will call you.” Most of our applicants call the following day and complain that they should already know whether they got in or not so that they can apply in other companies. -Jefferson Livara


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Prepare for interviews like Ms. Universe! -Alan Joseph Luga


It is a competitive atmosphere. Make sure you know where you want to go and ace that interview. Wear decently and know what to answer when they throw the questions at you. -Aric John Sy Cua


It’s also helpful to practice at home. Search for the frequently asked job-interview questions and try to answer them. -Fatima Alvarez Pavia


Dress appropriately. Since you already know what the job description is and what the company is all about, it would be best to adapt your wardrobe according to the information that you know. No need to wear high heels or be in corporate attire if the company has a relaxed dress code but wearing a collared top, decent jeans and closed shoes would be appreciated. -Joshie Tan

1. Please. DO IT YOURSELF.

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A mother went to the office to give her child’s resume. She was the one who was interviewed and even began building up her child to the interviewers. After setting an actual date of interview, the kid didn’t show up. The mother went back and angrily asked why her kid didn’t get in when s/he was being fought over by other companies. Please, don’t ask your parents to go to a job application for you. -Jefferson Livara

Did these tips help? Do you have tips you’d like to share with millennials trying to look for jobs? Do you have your own job interview stories to share? Join the #WIMSquad and share it with us!