
Italy Might Offer Women A Monthly “Menstrual Leave”

Women can be in a pickle when it comes to “that monthly visitor”: the pain is sometimes too unbearable that it could force some to skip work, but it could happen too often that one may run out of sick leaves before the year ends.

menstrual cramps period

Italy may just implement a groundbreaking law that would entitle women to “menstrual leave”, which can last up to 3 days each month, for women who experience particularly painful periods.

If successful,ย Italy could soon become the first Western country to offer women paid menstrual leave โ€” but whether this could affect women in the workplace positively or negatively remains to be seen.

Other lawmakers are worried that this might cause discrimination in hiring women, saying that this may encourage companies to hire men over women.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Daniela Piazzalunga, an economist at research institute FBK-IRVAPP, said:

“Women are already taking days off because of menstrual pains, but the new law would allow them to do so without using sick leaves or other permits. However, on the other hand, I wouldn’t exclude that [if the law is approved] this would lead to negative repercussions: The demand for female employees among companies might decrease, or women could be further penalised both in terms of salary and career advancement.”

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