
INSPIRING: This Guy Lost Almost Half of His Body Mass in Just One Year!

Kevin Tiambeng just sharedย a very inspiring story with us.ย Dante Pascual Jr., Kevin’s former coach in Ateneo de Naga University managed to lose extreme weight with discipline courage and heart. Kevin says he hopes Dante’s story will inspire others, as well. Read on.
From Dante Pascual Jr.’s Facebook page:
A year filled with memories and time has passed.
I’ve been fat my whole life. I was a chubby kid; an obese teenager; and at 27, I weighed 151kg (332lbs). My life got complicated and it really hit me when my blood pressure shot up to 180/140 and my sugar reached 300. I know it’s hard to battle with this kind of illness.
I realized that I had to change how I felt in the inside before I could begin to change the outside.
It took me 1 year to achieve this transformation. Everything went out as my desire to change my life – to change for good. I was around 147kg (323lbs) down to 76kg (167lbs). I lost almost half of my body mass before. I thought it was impossible for me to lose weight because I was in denial about my unhealthy lifestyle.
Weight Loss Transformation
At first, I felt intimidated to walk into a room full of fit people, but they were surprisingly approachable. I knew then that this transformation would be fun, especially with a supportive family, friends and colleagues.
I’m constantly setting new goals to inspire me to stick to my training. In the first 5 months, I did a lot of HIIT, eliptical and cardio to trim down my huge body mass. I lost more than 40kg in my first 5 months. I remember I used to workout twice a day back then: 2 hours cardio in the morning and another 2 hours lifting training in the evening. The remaining months focused on strength and muscle building to minimise all of my loose skin. I also changed my eating habits by eating healthily and getting theย right calorie count daily.
Many people are asking what my secret was in losing weight. There is no secret; it’s just discipline and commitment.
Discipline because I chose between what I want now and what I want most and I committed to change because it is entirely different from willing to change.
Special thanks to Ateneo Fitness and Wellness Center and, of course, to Kit Navarroza for providing the tools, knowledge and motivation in this long journey.

And now I can say I’m ready to overcome all the challenges in life has to offer.
Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.
Dante is officially my new weight loss hero! ๐Ÿ™‚ Heard of any similar inspiring stories lately? Share them with us!