
I Got My Wisdom Tooth Removed And Here’s What Happened

I’ve heard horror stories about wisdom tooth removals before and I’ve seen videos of people on pain medication saying the funniest things. I was afraid, of course – so afraid that it took me around 8 months to finally schedule the procedure.

Wisdom Tooth Removal is an actual operation. They open you up and stitch you back after removing the teeth in question. I know: it sounds scary. I was terrified.


I wanted to make sure that I got the best service because I had trouble with my previous dentist, which ended with a shattered tooth and later on a root canal. That’s how bad it was. This is why I turned to GAOC.

After months of cleaning, tooth restoration, and a root canal procedure, I was finally ready to get my wisdom teeth (4 of them) removed. This was to give way to my much-awaited braces or Invisalign because I have teeth crowding at the bottom.


A week before my intended procedure, I had to get a blood test for proper knowledge and aid for my dentist.ย The blood test included bleeding time and clotting time, which are essential during the operation.

On my operation day, I wanted to back out. I was hella scared to get it done, but I knew I had to. I couldn’t really back out anymore.

When I arrived at GAOC Greenbelt Residences, I logged in to the iPad in the reception area and they offered me refreshments. They also asked if I wanted to go to the bathroom before the procedure, but I just wanted to get the procedure over and done with.


So I sat there in the dentist chair with bright lights and 4 doctors and nurses. They covered my legs with a blanket, then my whole body except for the mouth area. They proceeded with anesthesia and asked me whether I could feel it taking effect on the right side of my mouth. After 1 dose of local anesthesia, they started the procedure and asked me if I could feel any pain every few minutes. Since I could feel a little bit of pain, they gave me another dose of anesthesia.

I had TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome and it’s a little difficult to keep my mouth open; so every now and then, the dentists asked me if I wanted to rest, but I soldiered on to finish it.

After 40 minutes (it felt like forever), we had to stop after 1 wisdom tooth removal. My jaw felt like it was frozen and we were afraid that it might lock if I got another wisdom tooth removed. So, they stitched me up, cleaned it, and explained everything that they did to me.


Since there was a nerve near the procedure area, they made sure that it couldnโ€™t be touched or damaged. They checked it after the procedure with the use of their state-of-the-art machines and showed me the before-and-after.

I sat at the recovery room for at least 15 minutes where they briefed me on how to clean my sutures, what would happen during the next few days, things I couldnโ€™t do and eat, and everything else I needed to know. They also gave me pain meds – mefenamic acid and Arcoxia – which I was to take alternately. I also had 1 anti-biotic to help with the healing and to prevent infections.

The procedure was fast and painless (aside from my jaw problems). I even went home by myself in an Uber.



I was given very specific instructions for post-op care. While I was in the recovery room, the TV showed what I couldnโ€™t do or eat after the procedure. I am super forgetful, though, so itโ€™s a good thing that they provided me with a leaflet where everything was written. I was also prescribed some pain relievers and muscle relaxants for my jaw.

Aside from the medicine, post-care consisted of cleaning the stitches. I cleaned it with betadine – gargled 3 times a day after eating. It wasnโ€™t painful, so there wasn’t much of a hassle.


There was a slight inflammation on my right cheek, but it disappeared after 3-5 days – just like the doctors advised.

Now that I got one out of the way, I have three more wisdom tooth removals to go before I get my teeth aligned! So excited!ย Iโ€™ll keep you guys posted and maybe post some before-and-after pictures so you can see the results, too!


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