How to Find Love: Life Lessons from Manila Relationship Coach and Love Guru Aileen Santos

When in Manila, it’s always a great idea to surround yourself with great people while finding ways to enhance your knowledge or experience to better help you succeed in your life. In short, it’s time for you to take some fun classes!

Try to find classes or workshops that will help you better yourself or, as I’ll be recommending in this post, find classes that will help you understand the differences between men and women, so you can unlock the so-called complexities of romantic relationships.

Love and relationship guru Aileen Santos recently held the ‘Fabulously Feminine 4’, where she dished out important lessons in finding love and keeping it forever.

aileen santos fabulously feminine seminar1

Santos explains the divine design of women

While some women may complain about being a prisoner in their own marriage, others lament their inability to find love, especially those who belong to the No Boyfriend Since Birth (NBSB) circle.

During the seminar, Aileen pointed out that women ‘need to expose themselves to more men’ to be able to find the good ones. She encouraged us to do away with skepticism and believe that good men still abound. “If you want a relationship with a good man, you have to believe that men are good,” Aileen reminds us.

Fabulously feminine poster

Here are some really interesting points that I learned about finding your perfect mate:

Aileen says that many women harbor the so-called “Little girls’ wounds”. These are the messages that become barriers in finding love: “You are unworthy”, “You don’t deserve this”, “You are powerless”, “You have no value”, “You are not lovable”, and “You are bad”.

“Decide to set yourself free,” she says. “Accept the past as it is, learn its valuable lessons, let the old title go, and choose to define yourself in a different way now.”

“A lot of women don’t know how to receive love…look at the way you receive compliments…Believe it and accept it. A compliment is a gift,” Santos says.

In the seminar, relationship coach Christian Doroin also added a few pointers for the men. He reveals that the main fear for most men is the fear of failure. He says failure wounds men’s hearts, which makes them afraid of failing all over again.

“In the Philippines, most women wait for the right guy. You just wait. Unlike us, we do the courting. You don’t fail while many men fail…we try, we fail until someone actually says ‘yes’,” Christian explains. “We often ask a lot of questions because we are afraid of you.”

“In failed relationships, most women will accept the blame. But for men, it’s more of thinking ‘what did I not do’ rather than what did I do,” he adds.

Aileen then shared the stages of attraction and love that begins with generating interest, turning the interest into attraction, growing the attraction into a potential relationship, leading the potential into a relationship, bringing the relationship into a commitment, and building the ‘happily ever after’ stage one day at a time.

Fabulously feminine participants

I ended up taking a very personal journey during this class that really made a lot of sense to me. I’m now confident that I can apply a lot of Aileen’s lessons in my own life, both in general and when it comes to relationships. I learned a lot about men, women, and myself. I’m sure you’ll enjoy and be enlightened by this class, as well, and highly recommend it to anyone out there – from single women to moms who have been married for 30 years just looking for more answers. Aileen Santos is the relationship coach that you need to meet!

When in Manila, why not open your eyes and your mind to new lessons that will help you with your love life and your personal life, as well? Take some self-enriching classes with relationship coach Aileen Santos today!

To find out more about Aileen Santos’ upcoming workshops, visit