Help Our Local Surfers and Boatmen by Donating Used Rash Guards

Help Our Local Surfers and Boatmen by Donating Used Rash Guards


The Circle Hostel is rallying troops for a good cause – and you can help, too! Let’s join forces and help our local surf instructors and boatmen!

Help Our Local Surfers


Help Our Local Surfers


One surf instructor/boatman in Siargao asked for a used rash guard because he needed it for work. He already had some jellyfish stings on his arms, though – something that could have been prevented if he had a rash guard. Rash guards can also help prevent minor reef cuts and sunburn, by the way! When The Circle Hostel gave this boatman a 2nd hand rash guard, it really put a smile on his face!

Because of this, The Circle Hostel is now asking for donations of rash guards – be it second-hand hand or brand new, or even cash to buy new ones, so that they can provide local surf instructors and boatmen with their needs. This way, they will be able to dress well and functional while at work.

An extra rash guard can put a smile on someone’s face – and save him from extreme sunburn! Hope you can help! 🙂


For more details, please email



Help Our Local Surfers and Boatmen by Donating Used Rash Guards