
Here’s a Hack on How to Easily Spot Yourself in NBA Replays

Marcus Chu is a real estate broker by profession. However, he has also been a basketball fan all his life. Around three years ago, Marcus started watching NBA games. In order to easily spot himself in replays and get a good remembrance of his NBA experiences, he usually watches the games wearing a neon shirt.

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Being a Russell Westbrook fan, Marcus decided to go full Russell Westbrook outfit when he finally got the chance to catch Westbrook’s game last Christmas; this also happened to be the first time Marcus got to see Westbrook live.ย “I was hoping to meet him as I was seated right behind their bench,” he admits. Sadly, Westbrook was too focused to entertain any fans. Still, Marcus was glad to see himself with Westbrook in NBA’s Instagram stories.

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He was also luck enough to meet Steven Adams, and even get an autograph from him and a selfie with him.

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Marcus’ moment with Adams was also caught on video and featured in NBA’s Twitter account.

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Despite having met a lot of basketball players, particularly during Game 1 of the NBA Finals, Marcus’ ultimate goal is to meet Westbrook and get his game-worn shoes, which he has been giving out to fans during most of his games. We think his outfit speaks for itself:

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Let’s help this guy meet Russell Westbrook, shall we? Share this article and tag Westbrook ’til he sees it! :p (Think we’ll be able to pull this off?)

Follow Marcus on Instagram to see more of his NBA experiences:ย @chumarcus