“Gran Turismo 7” has officially launched this week and, as part of its global launch, it has collaborated with Hong Kong-based superstar actor-singer Aaron Kwok for the launch video where he shares his love towards car racing and how the “Gran Turismo” series has helped him to improve his racing skills.
You can watch the video here:
For Southeast Asia, “Gran Turismo” launched a video for its Gran Turismo Café video featuring automotive and motorsport personalities in Southeast Asia: Bobby Tonelli (Singapore), Claire Jedrek (Singapore), Jazeman Jaafar (Malaysia), IP Chin (Malaysia), Marlon Stockinger (the Philippines), and Pete Thongchua (Thailand), who shared their passion towards car culture, car racing and how they find their line in motorsport.
The Southeast Asia’s GT Café video was filmed in location at unique Car Vending Machine, Ten Square building, where 15 real exotic and classic cars were curated which gamers will be able to drive in the “Gran Turismo” series stacked inside the building, along with lighting features and Digital LED display featuring “Gran Turismo 7” colours and videos.
All photos were taken by Aloysius Lim (https://www.instagram.com/aloysiuslim/).
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