
Free admission to all Ayala Museum galleries on Saturday

If you are looking for something to do this weekend, you might want to check out the Ayala Museum. Apparently, they are opening their galleries to everyone on Saturday, July 28, for free.

The announcement was made via Facebook.


This Saturday, July 28, weโ€™re zeroing-in on the idea that real growth takes patience.

With pocket events and talks from creatives that took time to get to where they are now, showing how everyone grows at their own pace.

Samatha Lee x Meryll Soriano – 11:30AM
Pepe Herrera x Anina Rubio – 1:30PM
Ramon Orlina x Jeffrey Solares – 4:30PM

Inspire Every Day 2018ย withย CNN Philippines Life
July 28, 2018

Aside from marveling at a good dose of art, you can alsoย catch a free talk to from young creatives who will discuss how they grew into their art at their own pace.

Anything to add to this story? Share your thoughts with us.