Fossil Findings Show Unicorns Actually Existed—Some in the Philippines!

In case you haven’t heard the news, a new fossil discovery actually proves now that a one-horned, four-legged creature once roamed the earth alongside humans. Are you all thinking the same thing???


What most consider as “mythical creatures” existed 29,000 years ago and are called the “Siberian Unicorn.” And based on the fossil findings, they ~may~ have looked somewhat like this:

Fossil Findings Show Unicorns May Have Actually Existed—Some in the Philippines!Heinrich Harder / Wikimedia

But here’s the thing—it has been said that these creatures dwelled in the more southern areas of the globe, and many evidences seem to point out that they could have existed in the tropical islands of the Philippines! (How cool is that??)

It is still unclear yet as to where in the Philippines exactly, but the hunt for the remaining fossils of these creatures here has already begun. Rewards will be given to anyone who would be able to help locate the remains of these majestic creatures.

The story is still developing, but initial announcement of this was made just today, April 1.

 Fossil Findings Show Unicorns May Have Actually Existed—Some in the Philippines!