
Find out how to make Php 100,000 and win an all-expenses-paid trip to Google Singapore

Poster Paradigm ECC

Do you want a chance to win 100,000 pesos in cash, an all-expenses-paid trip and company tour to Google Singapore, plus tons of internship and work opportunities, all while working with your friends and highly qualified individuals and mentors?

Well, we’ve got you covered! The Ateneo Management Association in partnership with Insular life presents

Paradigm: Entrepreneurial Case Competition

Paradigm: Entrepreneurship Case Competition is a two-phase event that aims to expose promising individuals to a live business problem wherein their creativity and problem-solving skills will be tested.

The first phase, which contestants are required to participate in to get to the second phase, will be held on February 3, 2018 at the Insular Life Office, Makati.


To learn more about Paradigm: Entrepreneurship Case Competition, check out their primer at tinyurl.com/ECC2018Primer.


There are only LIMITED stops available so hurry up and sign up at tinyurl.com/ECC2018Form.

If you’re a University or SHS student, don’t worry because this event is open to ALL University and Senior High School students, having two separate divisions.

What are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on this opportunity and join Paradigm: ECC now!