
ENTERTAINMENT: Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach and Rumored-BF Marlon Stockinger Spend QT in Singapore

Looks like the reigning Miss Universe had a blast in Singapore.

Fans swooned whenย Pia Wurtzbach and rumored-boyfriend Marlon Stockinger were seen as the two spent some time together in Singapore.

Both posted about their rendezvous in Singapore on their Instagram account.

Pia coyly said, “Saw the Marlion in Singapore” possibly referring to Marlon.

Saw the Marlion in Singapore ???????????? @marlonstockinger

A photo posted by Pia Wurtzbach | Miss Universe (@piawurtzbach) on

Marlon was more brief with his post yet sweet, simply captioning it as “Dinner date.”

Dinner date????????

A photo posted by Marlon Stockinger (@marlonstockinger) on

It’s no secret that the two are seeing each other. Previously, Marlon confirmed this during the Star Magic Ball event.
