The Societa’ Dante Alighieri, established in 1889 promotes and disseminate the italian language and culture all over the world. The Societa’ Dante Alighieri in partnership with the Italian Embassy, the Italian Chamber of Commerce and the Philippine Italian Association, organizes a series of movie screenoings on a modern representation of the Divine Comedy…
The screenings will be enriched by the inputs and insights of the Italian Movie Producer and discussions will be facilitated by Professor Mark McKeown, a Scriptwriting Professor at UP Dilliman.
The entrance is freee and seats are on a first come first serve basis, we wish to encourage you all to attend….the following are the screening schedules:
November 10 – 3pm Shang Cineplex
November 11 – 3pm Shang Cineplex
November 11 – 7pm Shang Cineplex
Please help us promote it among your students and let us know the slot you prefer and the number of seats you wish to reserve on or before October 30.
Please find attached all the information regarding the film DANTE.
Be one with us, in celebrating the greatness of a world renowned artist and looking at how the messages of the Divine Comedy are relevant in the lives of filipinos.