
College Haircut Policy Strike: My Hair Length has Nothing to do with my Ability to Learn


Photo of a haircut strike in Bulacan State University is trending right now in social media. These male college students formulated a strike and wrote banners to send in their grievances to the admin “No To Haircut Policy” says one banner, “Walang Kinalaman ang Buhok ko sa Aking Pag-aaral” (My hair has nothing to do with my studies) says another.

A debate in social media ensues regarding this issue. Many share the sentiments of these students that say that the administration of schools in general should focus on giving better quality education and exert their efforts in the academics of the students instead of their “self expression” or how they aesthetically look.

While others say that this is merely a simple school policy that everyone should abide by. The administration is just teaching these students discipline. This type of discipline, they say, will hone them into becoming better citizens and individuals in the future when they apply for jobs.

What about you? What do you think? Do you agree with the first statement or the second? Share with us your thoughts.



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