Chadwick Boseman aka ‘Black Panther’ to play African samurai in ‘Yasuke’

chadwick boseman black panther

If you loved him playing as Black Panther then you might be excited to know that Chadwick Boseman is set to play as an African samurai swinging a sword in Japan in the upcoming movie Yasuke.

“The legend of Yasuke is one of history’s best-kept secrets, the only person of non-Asian origin to become a Samurai,” Boseman said. “That’s not just an action movie, that’s a cultural event, an exchange, and I am excited to be part of it.”

A quick backstory of the character – Yasuke was a native of Portuguese Mozambique who was brought to Japan as a slave to Jesuit missionaries. He is said to be the first black man to set foot on Japanese soil and his arrival aroused the interest of Nobunaga, a ruthless warlord seeking to unite the fractured country under his banner. A complex relationship developed between the two men as Yasuke earned Nobunaga’s friendship, respect — and ultimately, the honor, swords, and title of samurai.

Yasuke is a partnership project of Picturestart, De Luca Productions, Solipsist & X●ception Content. Doug Miro, who co-created the series Narcos, is writing the script for Yasuke.

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