
Celebrate Filipino Engineers’ Achievements at Shockwave

As one of the longest-running organizations in UP Diliman and a pillar to the UP EEEI community, UP Engineering Radio Guild or UP ERG will celebrate all those years of achievement and accomplishment during the week-long run of their 84th Anniversary this coming September 9-14, 2019.

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The celebration is composed of four subevents: Opening Night, PARA Seminar, Existenserum IX, and ERG Night.

Opening Night will formally open the week-long celebration with a series of talks, games, and awards. Next, the PARA Seminar, a free amateur radio seminar will kickstart the participantsโ€™ ham radio journey. Participants can also donate blood at Existenserum IX, the organizationโ€™s annual and well-known blood drive on September 11-12 at the Engineering Foyer, Melchor Hall. Finally, the most awaited night of splendor, ERG Night, will conclude the celebration of the 84 years of excellence, success, and service.

With this yearโ€™s theme, Shockwave, the celebration will be leaving an intense impact on, not only the more than 100 active members and a big network of alumni but also on the whole EEEI; composed of approximately 1,200 undergraduate students, and 200 graduate students, faculty, and staff.ย The organizationโ€™s contributions to its home institution have not only been limited to creating events that have upheld the core values of the institute as it has also given a hand in molding students into engineers who are ready to serve our nationโ€™s people.